
So... I felt it appropriate to create this space to harbor my own thoughts since my family blog - All Things Adams - does not lend itself to the miscellaneous ramblings of a 30-something American male such as me. If you have enough time to tune in, welcome. In theory, you'll see anything from opinion to rant, quotes to poetry, fact, fiction, and the journaling of my life's adventures - and perhaps a few hyperlinks to items of interest along the way. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Communication is Key

Why does the President of the United States provide me with a greater level of communication with regard the status of our Country and the course he is attepting to set then I am provided with the status of our efforts and the course we are attempting to set at work? On one hand, I feel blessed an reassured to have such a competent, driven, positive, and trustworthy man at the helm of our Country in this time of great need, even though I cannot personally impact the things he is spearheading. On the other hand, I feel awkward, confused, and isolated from the things that I could realistically have a hand in improving at work. Step up and risk irking leadership or lay low and risk being percieved as worth less?